Saturday, August 21, 2010

Question about using clear nail polish as a sealant?

I want to glue magazines clippings to a picture frame to decorate it, and i was wondering if i could just put a coat of clear nail polish on top to seal everything on and give it a shiny finish.Question about using clear nail polish as a sealant?
There is another solution other than nail polish. Nail polish is strong enough to ruin the ink on the paper, causing it to run or smudge.

Instead, use a product available at almost any craft store: decoupage.

Decoupage comes in a matt and a shiny finish. Decoupage is a glue and a sealant. It will be absolutely perfect for the project you are planning. Just brush the decoupage on the back of the magazine clipping, press onto the surface you want to attach it to and then coat the paper with the decoupage to seal the paper. This process can also be done with fabric. The jar of decoupage should provide you with other ideas in which the product can be used.Question about using clear nail polish as a sealant?
Yes, you can, glue polish belongs to a class of hydrocarbons, OK quality, lah..., but wont it be more economical if you can obtain clear varnish, from any recognised hardware dealer, it is the same principle, and if you want coloration, you can get timber varnish, or from some artwork dealers, are also available clear varnish coatings, and the finish may be matt (Rough) or smooth or even shiny (glossy) finish......
Poor idea. Nail polish is almost impossible to apply smoothly on a large surface, and it will be expensive. Take the 3rd poster's suggestion of a clear water-based coating made for decoupage.
I don't see why not... it's just laquer after all.


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